Sunday, February 15, 2009

We're famous!

We're famous!!! Well, if getting your picture in the local paper makes you famous, then we are. Last week a young journalist spent a couple hours at our house asking all sorts of questions about home-schooling. He wasn't sure what day the article would appear (ok, I admit to stopping at the newsstand every day. We didn't want to miss it!!!) Finally today, it appeared! Now, I was expecting a small article, not a whole page on the first page of the local section!

We have always tried to stay as low profile as possible with home-school. No sending a child to the store during school hours, no P.E. outside during school hours (except for snow days, of course!) After all, we are the ONLY family that home-schools in our area. I wonder if the low profile is a thing of the past. Guess we will find out in the days to come if anyone recognizes us, or if we are still invisible!

For those of you who read French (or are just curious) here is a link to the newspaper article on the "Voix du Nord" website.

And for those that have always wanted to see a French "café," here is a picture of one in our neighborhood (notice the headline ad on the door)!

1 comment:

Jérémie Kapitaniuk said...

I can't believe it!!! The article is Awesome! 1 family on 6000... We're pretty unique aren't we? :)
Miss you guys.
