Saturday, March 28, 2015

Trip to the U.S.A !!

by Laura

Hello Everyone! This post is about a trip to the States ! Because yes, my Mom and I went the the States for a week! Unfortunately, the reason for our trip wasn't a happy one. We went to spend time with my grandpa who recently lost his wife who went to be with the Lord. So we went to try and cheer him up.
Here are a few pics of the beginning of our trip!

At the airport.

Goodbye France !

And hello England.

My first Coffee all to myself ! hmm :-)

Landing in Chicago.

On the way to Grandpa's house we stopped at "Woody's Truck Stop."
Grandpa being silly with my "beanie."(as Grandpa calls it.)

A few other posts will follow with other pics of the trip !!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

chouette ! te voilà de retour !
Ta maman est magnifique ! et elle me fait penser, je ne sais pas pourquoi à Julia, une maman qui s'active beaucoup dans le domaine de l'adoption. Je pense qu'elle est en Bulgarie et elle et sa famille a bien besoin de nos prières... La petite fille qu'ils sont allés adopter n'a pas envie de quitter le cocon de son orphelinat !
A bientôt