Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Friends are begging for more puppy pictures...The problem isn't that we don't have any, the problem is how to choose which ones to put on the blog. With a family full of shutterbugs and puppy lovers and digital cameras, puppy pictures are plentiful!!! Here are a few from the first month. More coming shortly!!!

 Knowing which one is which - very important to make sure everyone is getting enough milk - was pretty hard at first. Embroidery thread helps...

Laura is pretty proud of this puppy (she calls him Brownie) and of her picture.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Coucou, bon dimanche!
maman me faisait suivre le "news Kaps" et en mettant de l'ordre je suis tombée sur le N°8...
Je me suis dit que vous aviez certainement un blog... banco!
Bonne chance avec tous ces chiots!
Ma soeur a dû faire face à 7... Pas simple, fort cher... difficile à trouver une place pour chacun. Qu'allez vous faire?
Nicole Snitselaar-Arnera