Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cousin time at the farm

Summer is a time for company, and this summer has been full of visitors so far! The highlight this summer was a visit in June from Philip's brother, Joël from the States. We knew he was coming, but not that he was bringing his two boys with him. He had to work hard to keep the secret. The boys were so excited he was afraid they would spill the beans if they talked to us before hand.
And of course, since they were here, we had lots of other family come to join in the activities. Here are a few photos that give an idea of the fun.

This was the best we could do for a grandchildren photo. This is the younger half of the 30 grandchilden. One afternoon, one pool, three moms (I took the picture), 15 kiddos!
Fishing with Papy (that's French for Grandpa)

Of course, we had to eat the fish at a fish BBQ in our pasture. (we had hot dogs too!)
And a soccer game.
Father and son time at the beach. (North Sea or English Channel, I am never sure where one ends and the other begins)
We all took a turn flying the kite. But some of us had more fun than others!
Sand castle building.
Exploring a bunker left over from WWII. The children are standing straight, its the bunker that is crooked.

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