Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Grandparents on the Farm

The big highlight of our month of April was the visit of my dad, aka Grandpa, and his new wife, Grandma Judy. I traveled, along with Wesley and Laura, to the US for their wedding a year ago, but some of the family had not yet met Grandma Judy.
They spent three weeks here, helping out on the farm, doing odd jobs, touring Europe a bit (they braved going to London on their own), and spoiling us. We tried to spoil them too.
A taste of America in France!
Visiting Mons, Belgium
Indoor mini golfing in Belgium (yes, that is a beer stein, Belgium is famous for good beer!).
Belgium is also home to the French Fry!!! And you thought they were French!!!
Saxophones were invented in Belgium too.
Train ride home from Paris (think they look tired?) (I am looking for more Paris pictures)
Visiting Fort Leveau in Feignies

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